Many moons ago, an enchanting tale unfolded in Jonathanland, a peaceful town near Fontana in the United States, where the 11-month-old infant hero, Baby Madison, resides. It is in this serene realm that Lili Smooth, a Johnlandish mother and manager of a prestigious shop named The Little Shop for Foodies, known as one of the world's most talented confectioners, lives. She harbors an boundless passion for captivating children's imagination through her eccentric world, where magic, fairies, legends, and sweets intertwine.
Lili Smooth[]
In the bygone days of her childhood, Lili Smooth avidly listened to the legends of Jonathanland, narrated by her mother Tabata Smooth, featuring an enigmatic sprite named Madala. This mysterious being dwelled in the forest of Jonathanland alongside his wife, an elf named Cocoum Valoum. According to tales, this couple bathed in eternal happiness, and Cocoum, ardently in love with her husband, gave birth to a boy with an elusive charm endowed with the power to transform into a rare flower, named Bouton d'Or.
One day, when Lili turned twelve, she ventured into the forest with her younger brother Swan Smooth, aged ten, and her best friend Plumy. These three young adventurers, fervent enthusiasts of forest games, ignored parental warnings not to venture too far. Indeed, the city's inhabitants had cautioned them because, in the past, several children who had ventured there never returned.
During a game of hide-and-seek with his sister and Plumy, Swan was unable to find them. He ventured deeper into the forest in search of them, but being lost, crying, and calling in vain, Swan ended up getting lost in the intricacies of the forest. According to the story recounted by Lili Smooth, the police, firefighters, and parents eventually found Swan, sitting on a tree trunk. According to their statements, he was speaking to someone even though no one was present beside him. However, the young boy's version was quite different. When he found himself alone with his sister Lili, he confided that he had encountered Madala's family, visible only to children, who vanished into the shadows when the adults arrived. As the night was warm, the enchanted little being offered him an enchanted lollipop to warm his heart, and his wife Cocoum Valoum served him a red and sparkling beverage with a fruity taste. He added that the couple had revealed to him the secret of this elixir and magical treat. Finally, he revealed to Lili that later on, it would be her responsibility to craft this confection and beverage to bring happiness to children, and thanks to her magical fingers, she could perpetuate this family legacy.
The subsequent events proved that Swan's destiny was different. He dedicated himself to his studies to become a prominent lawyer in New York, and he never showed any interest in the world of confections. Thus, it seemed that the elf family knew that Swan would never be the possessor of this mysterious gift, and it was his sister Lili Smooth who would inherit it.
After discovering the secret of making Madala Magic, Lili Smooth embarked on an experimental quest for several years, exploring various recipes using ingredients and natural products. Among these were meticulously selected fruits such as guava, pomegranate, pineapple, banana, mango, coconut, papaya, and many more. Her passion for enchanting children led her to create subtle blends, combining natural water with juicy fruits, hand-pressed fruit juice, spirulina juice, honey, and other elements.
When Lili turned 20, she undertook a serious visit to the market district to find local vendors offering fruits, especially from Cameroon. For Lili, preserving children's dental health was crucial. As she often emphasizes, "it is essential to protect them from cavities by avoiding excessive sugar consumption that can lead to health problems like diabetes". Thus, she sought the advice of a nutritionist and a dentist to bring something new to her treats, creating the secret of naturally sweet and delicious candies. Her deep aspiration was that every Madala Magic enjoyed by a child brings a moment of fantasy and dream. She desired to offer a unique, enchanting, and unprecedented taste experience, allowing children to dream and escape through these magical fruity delights. Aware that her creation contained a part of her magic and often overlooked plants, Lili ensured that young Johnlandians could enjoy Madala lollipops without fearing cavities.
During the initial design of her lollipops, she took care to consider the ecological aspect of the sticks and plastic packaging. Guided by the memory of the magnificent elf family that protected her younger brother when he got lost in 1976, Lili knew that in the vast forest of Jonathanland, children would be under the protection of the Madala family. The meaning of the names "Madala" and "Cocoum Valoum" remained a mystery to her, but she ultimately decided to pay homage to them by naming her range of lollipops "Madala Magic" and her drink "Cocoum Valoum".
Years later, after building her family, Lili opened her first store called The Little Shop for Foodies in Jonathanland at 303 Ferdy Cooper Avenue, in the San Africa district. The large-scale production of her lollipops propelled them to legendary status throughout the city of Jonathanland, then across the United States and around the world. Many media outlets, such as the local newspaper John News and numerous other newspapers worldwide, have asked the queen of sweets about her manufacturing process. She has always been willing to disclose some ingredients for her wonderful candies. However, she has kept secret other ingredients that she deems "magical". She confessed that only her children would hold the key to perpetuating this knowledge from generation to generation.
Finally, Lili Smooth was adamant: if the Madala elf had wanted her brother Swann to pass on the secret of these candies and the drink made in the woods of Jonathanland in 1976, it was because she had been elected guardian of the Madala Magic secret, and she takes her role very seriously.